University Policies and Resources
Flexible working case studies: These flexible working case studies highlight how flexible working can be achieved within the University and the advantages of a healthy life-work balance.
Emergency leave for dependants
Managers guide for supporting carers
Emergency Back-up Adult Care
The University’s partner company for emergency back-up adult and elder care for staff is Helping Hands Home Care, replacing the University’s previous partnership with My Family Care.
Please register on their website to arrange and manage home care for adults
SPACE Network
The SPACE network is a social network where people who have caring responsibilities have the opportunity to exchange experiences and help each other in an informal but confidential fashion.
The aims of the SPACE network are to:
provide an informal point of information and points of contact
meet others and share experiences
have opportunities to engage with staff from different University support services to find out more about what they can offer
It’s open to all members of the University, please join here
More information to support you in your role as a carer is available from Carers UK website with information for carers, with an expert telephone advice and support service is here if carers want to talk about caring.
Further information is also available from the University's COVID 'Looking after dependants' Sharepoint site [ Raven login required ]
Support and Information for Carers from External Organisations:
- Carers UK Provide expert advice, information and support. Through their carers' groups and volunteers they are reaching out in local communities throughout the UK and online.
- Carers Trust Carers Trust is a major charity for, with and about carers. They work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring.
- Mind Explains how to cope when supporting someone else, giving practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can go for support.
- Rethink mental illness If you are a carer for someone living with mental illness it can feel difficult to support your loved one or to get the answers you might need. This page has all you need to know about looking after your loved one.