Flexible Working
The University understands the importance of healthy work-life balance, which can be challenging for those with caring responsibilities. Over the past few years, 65% of granted requests for flexible working were to accommodate caring arrangements. Other people may apply for flexible working to make time for further study or personal development, to prepare for retirement, or simply to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
There are many different ways to work flexibly. The most commonly known are flexi-time, part-time, compressed/annual hours, term-time, working from home, job-share, staggered hours.
Every flexible working arrangement is unique since it has been negotiated to accommodate the circumstance of one individual, their role and department. Some jobs lend themselves easily to flexible working, others do not. Agreed arrangements can be a compromise between employer and employee.
The case studies below provide some insight into other people’s experiences.
Flexible Working Policy
The HR website contains the necessary information concerning the eligibility criteria, policies and procedures of working flexibly.