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SPACE: Supporting Parents and Carers @ Cambridge


Financial Matters

Finances play a crucial role for family planning, child and elderly care. Information on the various types of leave available can be found within each respective policy and are summarised here. There is also information concerning additional schemes and fellowships that may be useful for members of staff.


Extension of grants

The Research Councils UK have acknowledged that students and researchers may have family commitments that require them either to go on leave for a prolonged period of time, or to change to a flexible working arrangement. The current RCUK briefings are available here and here.

The Wellcome Trust has made similar commitments.

For further information ask your PI/supervisor, consult the Terms and Conditions of your grant, or contact the relevant funding body directly.



There are various ways to access support for child care arrangements, explained in detail on the Childcare website. This includes information on the Childcare Voucher Salary Exchange Scheme, the bursary scheme for EU and overseas students, and there is also a link to governmental financial support.


Returning Carers’ Scheme

The University introduced the Returning Carers Scheme to aid research and academic staff with caring responsibilities in their career and professional development.


Independent Fellowships

Multiple independent organisations have established fellowships which are awarded to recognise caring responsibilities outside work. For more information, see the websites below.